AMELIA WAY - sound artist
I am a sound artist. Fluent in empathy and passion. I want to create work that confronts discomfort while providing a safe space for growth. I love building new worlds, constructing realities, and inventing conventions just to break them. Some words that excite me: deterioration, distortion, reflection, perspective, and existentialism. I look for projects that demand a strong collaborative effort between disciplines. I want to question the container of art and how to push up against it.
My name is Amelia Way, Mellie for short.
nyc-based Sound Artist focused on the amplification of untold stories.
Currently, I've been collaborating as an audio technician, sound designer, and engineer. Some recent projects include Los empeños de una casa (Repertorio Español), Tartuffe (Fordham University), Life Sucks (AADA), and Rough Trade (The Tank).
Links to Designer Resume and AV Resume